About Me
and welcome to Immeasurable Hearts, my name is Bridgeen Rea-Kaya. I am a wife to Muhutin, a mum to a beautiful little girl called Beddy and a furry cockapoo son called Buddy! I'm also a daughter, a friend and a mindfulness teacher running a small business called Immeasurable Minds. I was a pioneer of mindfulness and mindful self-compassion classes for the general public in Northern Ireland (still teaching and offering classes in mindfulness since 2007).
My background and journey to becoming an Interfaith Minister
I have a Masters in Mindfulness Based Approaches (MSc) from Bangor University, a Masters in Business (MBA) from the University of Ulster, where I also got a degree BSc (Hons) in Communications Advertising and Marketing (CAM).
I'm also a Reiki Master and an accredited Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Teacher, and a qualified yoga teacher (YFNI).
Now having ordained as an Interfaith Minister in Glastonbury Townhall on 20 July 2024 I can add Reverend to my list of qualifications. But just like 'Mrs' or 'BSc Hons' that people often use on their profiles I'm not going to call myself 'Rev Rea' - though I do like the ring to it! I'm really happy to have this title and all the qualifications but I'm also still just a regular person, no better than someone who hasn't been crazy about studying for half their life! You are welcome to use my title if it's helpful for any purpose but I just see it as another tick in the box that I'll only use if necessary!
The main reason I decided to become an Interfaith Minister was because I love the ethos and idea of interfaith or 'multifaith' as a friend described it. For me, all the diverse faiths are just different paths up the mountain. Born in the 70s and growing up in Belfast, Northern Ireland through the 'troubles' I always felt so upset about the divisions and sectarianism in our society. I love the concept, even if it's utopian, of John Lennon's 'Imagine'. If all the people could live as one... To this end and living in the real world I know it's not easy to have a 'mixed marriage' or to be spiritual but not religious. I know many people have been hurt by the Church or their original religion. I know that many people change their religion. I know people from other countries and faiths live in this place. I know some religions exclude people based on their sexual orientation, beliefs or marital status. I'm so happy that Interfaith Ministers exist because we embrace diversity and difference as something to celebrate not be ashamed of or covered up.
My handsome husband is from Türkiye, he didn't mind what kind of wedding we had but I wanted something that would include my Plum Village Buddhist practice which is so important and inspiring to me. I felt so happy that I was able to find Interfaith Minister Marie-Claire Contino and she included this in our 2017 wedding service. So it was my own wedding that inspired me to want to offer the same to other people. I was so grateful that Interfaith Ministers existed I wanted to become one! Marie Claire is winding down her Minister practice these days and she encouraged and supported me to take my own journey into minister-hood. She even gave me her Minister's stole to wear for my ordination ceremony (I am so grateful to her!). See the picture on the Immeasurable Hearts Instagram here.
My core values and commitment to you
I spent two whole years studying (including a 3-hour Zoom every Wednesday night!) and travelling to Bristol for retreats so that I could eventually ordain. I took the process very seriously and I didn't share it widely as I wanted to be sure I was doing the right thing and would be able to do it! But now after this intense and transformative experience, I feel ready. The OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation, the organisation I trained with exemplifies my values of fostering peace, valuing diversity and unity in community. You can read more about OneSpirit here.
I am committed to serving you to the best of my abilities and creating unique bespoke ceremonies and experiences that express your own values, beliefs and ideas.
To find out more about my mindfulness work and more on my mindfulness background go to the 'about page' on my Immeasurable Minds website.